Astrology and Its Range of Influence
- The influences which describe the past, present, and future, (called "transits"), do not describe what has happened or what will happen; they describe what you would like to do, feel compelled to do, and what would be best for you, whether you know what is best or not. You have the ability to do anything at anytime; free will always is the primary, overriding factor which works for or against you. In other words, you have just as much ability to choose the wrong course of action as the right one.
Astrology does not seek to predict what is and what will be; it offers advice about what could be. It only offers suggestions about how to make your desires, needs, and ideas real. It educates about the possibilities inherent in all areas of concern revealing ideas, concepts, and specific information which will enable you to proceed in a far more effective manner than would otherwise be possible.
Those who are afraid of change, who avoid psychological and spiritual growth because it can be painful, who seek the comfortable rut of security, and who play stereotypical, politically correct, socially approved roles will find a reading a bit disturbing. You are first and foremost an individual and therefore unique. You are responsible for your destiny. Astrology teaches these principles and that to live is to risk. The search for our true selves, finding and following the road to psychological and spiritual growth, can be dangerous and frightening because it demands serious scrutiny, unfailing self-analysis, and honesty. However, it can be equally exciting. There are many roads to enlightenment and all demand being conscious and engaged in the life process. Astrology is one of many ways to achieve this.
There are a number of things that cannot be seen in the chart. For example: If you were to have"good" influences and choose to indulge in addictive, self-destructive behavior patterns and then lie to the Grand Jury about it, you will not have a good time. If you are having "good" influences and step in front of a moving truck, you will not have a good time. Staying conscious of moving vehicles is a choice. These things cannot be seen in the chart because it is possible to choose to behave in ways that can undermine your potential. Free will is a very powerful thing. The point is to use some common sense when interpreting your reading. If you put yourself in a situation where there is no hope of improvement, where others call the shots personally and/or professionally, then the planets are not going to make things change or get better. You must act. You must remove yourself from oppressive situations so that you can exercise free will.
For some, astrology gives invaluable and profound insight into why things happen the way they do, providing a philosophy or a way to think about each situation and circumstance encountered. For others, it provides validation and positive reinforcement of their convictions and ideas. Sometimes the information and perspectives given are not what the individual wants or expects to hear. However, it is never fatalistic or unrealistic. It is only a certain type of information; the purpose being to make you think and encourage direct participation in dealing with life's opportunities and dilemmas; the goal being psychological insight and spiritual growth.
Astrology sees you separate and distinct from all cultural and societal expectations. It sees you as a unique and special Child of God, full of potential and afraid of nothing.
You are the center of your universe. Your personality, consciousness, and soul unfolds, grows and changes just as the universe does. It is a direct response to the events and circumstances encountered in the material world. Your personality constantly expands and evolves because it is a reflection of the universal process. Change is necessary and unavoidable. To evade this, to live a routine, secure, safe, and therefore unchallenged existence, is to try to avoid what life is. You live in the world and are an essential part of it. For the universe to evolve, and indeed, for you to evolve, participation in all that life can be is essential. It is an everyday, lifelong search and discovery of what your personal driving and guiding principles are, and need to be. It requires a willingness to take positive and direct action, and participation in the process of changing your life. In the matters discussed, you have an abundance of free-will and are constantly encouraged to exercise it. It is an important responsibility.
The birth chart is best thought of as a map of the territory ahead, not the territory itself. You must choose how to traverse the terrain ahead. In any long journey there will be detours and delays, excitement and wonder, boredom and fatigue, happiness and fulfillment; living life must be a passionate endeavor. It must be pursued with direct and decisive action, with triangulation from objective sources. Astrology can be one of those objective and alternate perspectives.
Copyright, January 15th, 1994, September 4th, 1998, & March 1st, 2009