In-Depth Astrocartography Reading

  The Transits and Maps Reading Must Be Done First!

Astrocartography is a system within a system and so, cannot stand alone.

Proper map interpretation depends completely upon the planets position in the natal chart.  

This reading does not come with the country of origin because those maps come with the Transits and ACG Maps reading.

This reading will teach you the basics of ACG and can serve as educational materials that can be used to

further your own Astrology/Astrocartography studies.

What you get:

The Maps.

Both Mundane and Local Space maps, with the aspects and

Full-color maps of all 6 habitable continents with close-ups of specific areas, 15 to 20 maps and more total.

The Text: 

An interpretation book explaining how to read the maps with full interpretations of each planetary influence.rdings:

The reading and follow-ups are recorded and sent to you via email or CD.


Follow-ups are included, which takes the for of several consults during the year ahead.  And, I want to know

what happens,what you do, what you experience with going to and being at important places. 


The above materials are sent to you by mail, prior to your 'actual reading'.  Then the 

reading is done over the phone, or Skyped, which will put the maps in the proper 

context and so that all the important areas of interest can be discussed at length.

The total price for this reading is only:  $144.00

  Send a check, or international or US money order to:  

Darrell Steen

125 St. Matthews Road

Dudley, NC 28333

  Email me when a check is in the mail and it will be considered paid for.

  A check or money order will not delay the reading.